The obvious and arrogant disregard for the will of the people in a democratic republic, such as the USA, is a clear indication that someone or a group of people are planning a coup d'état. You could call it despotic muscle flexing! Can you recognize it today? Can you see it in the USA?

Typically a coup d'état requires a major crisis of some kind or at least a perceived to be major crisis, in order for the despot to gain the support of the majority.  Presently America is neck deep in minor crises. Most of the crises of today are thought to be major, because those perpetuating the deceit deal in fear. We have become a nation of fearful people.  (What happened to the home of the free and land of the brave?)  The economy, terrorist activity, healthcare and a myriad of other things are presently on the minds of the American people, and these things are deceitfully presented to America by the liberal media. The power of deceit makes it possible that most, if not all, of these crises were probably were manufactured. Manufactured by whom? And, why?  Power is a major motive. One will desire power when one, for whatever reason, disregards the power of Almighty God. The “who” is several people or groups of people who will gain much by war, and devastation . . . not only the attainment of wealth but primarily the gaining of power. (Remember, when one fails to recognize the power of God, one feels the need to gain as much power as one can acquire for one’s self.)

Whether or not a probable and pending coup d'état will be effective will depend upon the immediate response of the people.  Once the majority of the people become entangled in Government give-away-programs or other entitlements, the more likely a coup d’état will be successful.  Once a despot takes over the people will no longer have rights, and will be easily manipulated by police and military units. A similar tactic worked well for Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. Once a certain mark is passed down this slippery slope then only an Act of God will reverse it. By the grace and mercy of God the Allies won WWII and ended the evil despot Hitler and his regime. We too may have already reached this point of no return . . . . the 2014 election will be a good indicator.

Pray with all your heart now and be sure to vote on Election Day, because it will take a miracle of Biblical proportions to bring America back to where she should be. ~Adverse Yaw