An American Heritage

My Little sister Alice is the genealogist of our family, and I'm so thankful for her. She just sent me this e-mail because I can never remember the list. Here is what she sent me: "Thought you might like to read about our g-g-g-grandfather, John Doudney. This was in his War of 1812 file. I enjoyed reading about where he went during his service and that it states that he was the son of Samuel Doudney/Dowdney. You are always asking the order of our grandfathers and who served in what war, so I made this: g-g-g-g-grandfather Samuel B. Doudney (1759-1811) Rev. War g-g-g-grandfather John B. Doudney (1794-aft. 1871) War of 1812 (His 2 brothers also served: William Reed Dowdney and Clayton Dowdney.  g-g-grandfather W. L. Doudney (1827-1892) (2 of his brothers served in the Civil War: Charles Bowden Dowdney, NJ and John Doudney, IA) g-grandfather Benjamin H. Doudney (1864-abt.1895) grandfather W.L. Doudney (1892-1980) WWI (Brother served: Charles Henry Doudney) father Evin Riley Doudney (1923-2010) WWII (One brother served: Billy Glendon Doudney) (me) Arnold Wayne Doudney (1946- Military Service 1963-1966 son Andrew Wayne Doudney (1976-" I think that this is so cool to know that Samuel B. Doudney, served with our first President George Washington at Valley Forge and most probably crossed the Delaware River to help win the victory at Trenton, NJ. This knowledge makes me feel responsible and encourages me to carry on the good fight for freedom.  The price has been high and much blood has been shed that we might remain free.   And we must never forget!   We are under attack this very minute from within.   I believe that a major reason that we seem to be losing is because we haven't spread the good news of Jesus Christ as we should have.   Our democracy will not work as designed without a constituency of God fearing believers.