Complaining, Whining, Criticizing and Bitching is wasting time!

I hear a lot of talk of how bad our situation has become in America. Most of what I hear and read, although it’s very pessimistic, most of it is truth based on fact. “Complaining about a situation is easy. It takes no strategic thought, expert insight, or optimism. The challenge comes in constructing a positive solution to remedy a situation.” ~Lori Garver (General Manager, I’m sure Lori is addressing the barrage of complaints and criticism heard within the Aviation Community, particularly pilots airing their views. Each and every pilot always has an opinion about everything, including many things that they know absolutely nothing about. And they are liberal in freely voicing their opinion to anyone who will listen. This is usually the extent of what they do. They seldom take action. Change requires action. To accomplish anything requires more action than whining, complaining and criticizing. Once the problem is identified, action is required to remedy it. In America we have numerous problems and most of them are instituted and aggravated by unconstitutional government actions. Our present President has violated his oath of office on numerous occasions, not to mention the fact that he was never qualified for the position in the first place. Anytime any of our public servants such as Congressmen to include Senators, Federal Judges to include the Supreme Court Justices violate their oaths of office they comment treason toward their Country and the American people.   It would not require much digging to find that most of them that are in office are there for their own gratifications. They are don’t seem to be interested in serving the needs of the American People. This in itself is a travesty that is killing our Nation. What can we do other than complain to correct this problem?
  1. Educate yourself and others. Start by reading the Declaration of Independence. And, pay particular attention to the second paragraph where it starts: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Nine out of ten people that I ask; from where do Americans receive their rights? don’t have a clue!
  2. Create a mailing list; Your congressmen to include your Senators. Your friends and family. Also, create an e-mail list as well, but it should be secondary. There is nothing better than a hand written letter.
  3. Make a list of phone numbers of your Congressmen and the White House.
  4. Pay attention to what little truth you can glean from the major networks. Study the Holy Bible to determine what you can believe and what you can’t. Proverbs is a great place to start.
  5. CHALLENGE, CHALLENGE, CHALLENGE any and all statements by public servants that you deem to be the least bit untrue. Call them up, there will be someone there that you can talk to. You can quiz the person on the line as to the why and wherefores of statements made, or even the attitudes of office holder. This is a place that you will be heard! Your call will be noted!
  6. Follow up with a letter to the specific party (Congressmen or Senator or whoever etc.) Be specific about your concerns and keep a record of your letters and calls.
  7. Notify your friends and family of what is going on and encourage them to do the same.
  8. Know what the Constitution is. Remember it is only a document that defines and limits the Government to include the Federal Government and all other governments within our Country. Get a copy of it and then read it. There are a few discrepancies particularly in some of the Amendments.
  9. Do something! Whining is not enough! Bitching accomplishes nothing! DO SOMETHING!