When I focus on some of the problems we Americans face, I am overwhelmed! It seems that we are leaderless, like a corked bottle containing good news and important information, but this bottle is floating aimlessly somewhere in a great ocean, and it seems that the good news may never be revealed. But, I could be wrong! Many times the contrast between good and evil is very sharp and well defined.   All young men are filled with hormones from early puberty until who knows when, but younger men are easily influenced by others, sometimes by good and other times by evil.  Take for example the young men who become terrorist and blow themselves up in order to kill a few of their perceived enemies. These young men are told or led to believe when they die doing this horrible act of suicide and murder, that they will immediately  be in a heavenly place surrounded by more than fifty beautiful virgins to  fulfill their every sensual desire.  This  powerful lie is easily believed when these young men's daily life here on earth are filled with fear, misery, hate and anxiety.  The desire to become a martyr with all of the perceived benefits is like a black hole sucking them in. Lots and lots of these young men are in training at this very minute. On the other hand; let me tell you about a young man right here in the Great State of Oklahoma, who offered me, directly to me, an act of kindness. He chose to go out of his way to serve me. I was grinding away the last few miles of a thirty-mile bike ride, and the summertime temperature was hovering around the century mark. Keep in mind that I’m older and fatter than most bicyclist, and I was struggling a little up a long hill heading North on Oklahoma State Hwy 4.   I had topped one hill and had started up a lesser one when I noticed an older model pickup truck had stopped and was sitting on the shoulder where I ride. This meant that I would have to be extra careful passing it because of traffic coming from behind me, and the fact that the door of the pickup could be opened as I approached, and, well, you know that could be a problem.   Anyway, as I was about a hundred yards from it I noticed the driver was outside of the truck standing beside it and looking in my direction.   I thought that he could be stuck out here with a problem and without a cell phone.   I stopped and asked him if he needed any help. “No,” he said, “I passed you earlier and noticed that you were struggling a little coming up that hill and I thought you could use a cold drink of water, so I want you to have this one,” as he handed me a cold bottle of water.    What a wonderful act of kindness.    In addition to the endorphins which were already pumping in my blood stream from my strenuous effort my spirit began to soar higher and higher. I asked if he knew Jesus, and he replied, “Yes, I talk to him every day.” Although I know this young man’s name, I wouldn’t mention it here because I don’t think he would want me to. I will say this, he is a Senior Student at Tuttle High School and his initials are D.L., and he knows Jesus. This young man is most probably a natural born leader. He sacrificed his time and his resources to purchase me (an unknown guy on a bicycle who seemed to be in need) a cold bottle of water and the fuel to get it for me and then to deliver it to me. He could be a leader that would be followed. What more could I say? The memory of his act will cause me feelings of joy for the rest of my life!