I am a positive thinking person. I try and always look at the up side and ignore the downside. I look at a half filled glass as always being half full, and not half empty. However, when it comes to survival there is no way to rationalize and make the truth anything more than what it is. It doesn’t matter how badly I want something to be true, if it isn’t true then there is no forcing it into being true by believing it to be so. If it stinks like excrement, chances are that it isn’t ice cream. Trying to make something to be what it is not has caused us, as a Nation, to paint ourselves into a corner.
I am presently a free man, however, with less liberty now than what I had when I was 19 years old and a PFC in the Army. I admit that I am becoming an angry old man. When our government hamstrings the very people who are productive it makes me very angry! An example of what makes me mad: Today I was standing in line at the Mustang Post Office, and over heard the lady behind the counter telling an elderly lady about getting a Passport. Come to find out that the lady needed the passport to book passage on an Airliner from Oklahoma City, OK bound for Las Vegas, NV. Granted, the new mandate by the State Department is not in effect yet, but it’s coming and Oklahoma will be one of the first States to participate. You will need to obtain a US Passport to fly on SWA from Oklahoma City, OK. Seems to me that we have enough laws on the books that are not being enforced ------ why is it that the State Department to has to come out with a new regulation? Know this; it is not a law unless Congress says it is a law. But, the Airlines have no choice but to kowtow to this whim of the State Department. This is the kind of Bovine Excrement that makes me an angry old man!