If you will notice there is not much in the news about the coming election this time! Have you ever wondered why? One thing that is evident in this go around: The poor performance of this POTUS is obvious, however, the ignorant and uninformed citizens don't realize it.   It is frightening to me that a huge number (very possibly a majority) of voters fit easily into this category. There are still those Yellow Dog individuals who think because the POTUS is a Democrat that he is okay, and doing a fine job. Of course there are still a number of people who believe that because the POTUS is an American (this argument is still  unsettled) anything that he says or does is good or at least okay because he is an  American and this is America.   People who look at America in this way are simply refusing the  truth for their own version of what they want the truth to be. Truth is a nasty word to those who don’t like it and refuse to believe or admit it.   It's impossible to disagree with truth so when they can't win their argument they remain silent. What really puzzles me is why educated people who speak the news on HD television (primarily the three big networks ABC, CBS and NBC) will ignore such an important topic as the truth especially during this election time frame. They say a little bit about the election, just enough to say that they covered it, but hiding as much of the negative truth as they possibly can by not reporting it.   Are they just following orders from above?   If this is the case, then, how can they live with themselves?   Are their consciences so seared that is doesn’t bother them to watch America, once a great nation, implode? Is there any doubt that the top of this obvious pyramid of deception is Satan himself?    Who else would want the greatest Christian Nation in recent history to implode?


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