I once had an acquaintance, of capable (but evidently limited) intelligence, that advised me that the reason for America being such a great nation is because everything is so screwed up all the time ––– “it has to be great to survive the chaos,” he said. I chuckle now in retrospect, as his statement even back then sounded so much like a Yellow Dog’s explanation of the whys’ and wherefores’ of that period of time. I mentioned to him that he was totally out of his mind, that what he was saying didn’t make any since at all. Obliviously he was very wrong. I have come to believe that most Americans have been thinking in a similar way since the early sixties and before.
The sixties, if you recall, was a time of major change in America. And, as it turns out it was a change from one ignorant perspective to another. Since WWII, people don’t seem to have or at least take the time to search for truth, particularly truth within our Government. Even before and during WWII there was much deception going on, always has been and always will be. Nothing changes under the sun. It appears to me that there is no end to the bad that is presently taking place. About the time that I think that it couldn’t possibly get any worse, it does. There is no doubt in my mind that total chaos is creeping closer and closer to my door. Is there anything that I can do or say that will make one iota of difference in my world, particularly my country, the USA? Probably not. Name calling doesn’t work, the White House is proving this point in the news today. Even trying to interest everyday Americans into searching for the truth is chasing after the wind, because no one seems to be the least bit interested. The only true hope for my America is for a few more people to find a working knowledge of Jesus Christ. Jesus IS who He said He is and He has never and will never change. He is the Way and the Truth and He is Love and He is life.. If I can get people to think about Him, I might make a difference in my world and in my country.