W O R R I S O M E !
Life in these United States is most defiantly becoming worrisome. I can’t help but feel a great anxiety for the pain that is about to come to so many. It’s disappointing almost to a point of being depressing.
Think about it! The USA has been at war over 20 years and those in power use the war effort as a churn to extract as much as they can from us for their own gain. Is there any resolve to win this war? Never before has our economy been so tittering and unbalanced. Never before have the American people been so deceived, lost and confused. Never before have such massive attacks been perpetrated on the family. It has been said, “how goes the family, so goes the Church and how goes the Church so goes the Country.” I believe this to be very true. But, few if any are willing to think about that.
There is so much that is right about America, but she is under attack by the most hateful, deceptive and ruthless creature known as Satan. People don’t want to talk about it and some won’t talk about it, and many don’t believe it. The vast majority of Americans don’t have enough knowledge and understanding about the past, the present or the future to talk about it. And, what is most distressing to me is when I confront fellow believers about it; they just seem to throw up their hands and say, it’s going to happen, the bible says so, nothing we can do.
I disagree. We can tell others about Jesus, and how He loves us just as we are. We can tell them that there is always hope. We can tell them where they can find the faith to believe. We can tell them the joy of personally and intimately knowing the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We can tell them how knowing Him makes our hearts soar like Eagles and how He places us in the most wonderful places that we never expected.
Dying is not really the problem for me and many other believers because our citizenship is not here. When I die I will immediately be with my Lord and Savior, because where He is I will be there with Him. With Him is where my citizenship is. Actually, I am already there with Him, and He is always with me. All of this knowledge and understanding does not remove the fear and dread for my family, friends and others who are not secure. Even old reprobate sinners can be born again and become brand spanking new, and it will change their life.