We all have a fundamental deep burning desire built within us for eternity, not just seventy, eighty, ninety or even a hundred years of life; we want to be durable with no end. None of us would knowingly turn down a guarantee that we would never have to die; a guarantee that we could live a joyful, healthy and eternal life, filled with hope and love. For most people this sort of guarantee is a dream at best and for some it isn't even a thought. Most people conjure up their own sort of self pleasing gods to believe in. Their god may be Mohammad, Baal, Buda, the Holy Bible or their wealth. This is nothing new, other gods have been around since Satan came to planet Earth. So here am I, an old worn, but not worn-out sinner who is the poorest example of what people think Christianity should be. I’m no poster child for the Christian Faith, however, I am a born-again-believer in the Life, the Death, the Burial and the Resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And, this is the best news ever! I can’t keep this to myself. How is it that a total undeserving, self-centered, arrogant and sometimes out and out hateful sinner can be saved from eternal death and destruction and be granted an eternal life of joy, health, hope and love? Fact is fact, and the fact is that you too can have this guarantee for eternal life. You too, like me never have to experience death eternal. You may ask, how can you say that? Is it just because the Bible says so? Is the Bible all that there is to believe in? If the Bible is all there is to your belief, then you might say that you want nothing to do with the Christian faith, nothing at all. I will agree with that. If the Bible is the foundation of the Christian Faith then you have reason to doubt. After all it might be just a book filled with proverbs, a little history and a few parables written by some mysterious writer who wanted to give humanity some sort of plastic hope for a life after this one. However, the Christian Faith is much more! It is amazing to realize that for the first 300 years after Jesus arose from the grave that there was no New Testament. However, in spite of all the odds, in spite of all the persecution and murders of Christians; the Christian Faith flourished. The only written word that existed at that time was probably several books from what we now call the Old Testament, and most of those words were scary and they seemed to apply to only the Jews. But, in spite of this the Christian Faith flourished. I believe the Holy Bible to be the living word of Almighty God, but it’s not the foundation of my Christian Faith. The historical event of the Resurrection is the foundation of the Christian Faith, and the Bible is simply the document that documents and proclaims it over and over again. After Jesus died on the Cross, the apostles were down trodden and thought that the death of Jesus was the end. But, they were wrong and when He arose it blew them away! FACTS are FACTS and there are several hundred witnesses to seeing and touching a resurrected Jesus. This fact alone is the very reason that the Christian Faith is flourishing today. We believe in and serve a risen Lord and Savior. No dreaming about it. It is a historical fact. No other religious faith can make this claim. Buda and Mohammad are still in their graves as are all the others who are proclaimed to be gods or profits. The fact that Jesus arose gives Him and His Words credence and authority. What Jesus says is true. Eye witnesses to all of this have written much of the new Testament, therefore, the Holy Bible is true. This is the best news ever, a person would have to be completely crazy not to investigate these FACTS, and, crazier still not to believe in and accept the Truth of the Risen Lord.   Jesus wants you to know Him!