Anyone with an ability to think and reason can see the chaos going on in the World. Just this week there have been Earth Quakes and mud slides in Nepal and riots in the streets of Baltimore, MD. It looks like it may be a long hot summer for America. Anyone who has attended some form of honest Sunday School, Christian Bible School, Spirit filled preaching or has searched the Holy Bible for meaning can easily determine that Biblical prophesied is taking place before our eyes.
G R A C E We live in a time period of GRACE. (Bible scholars call this time period the Dispensation of Grace.) It’s a period of time that Almighty God’s unmerited, undeserved and unconditional favor and love abounds on Planet Earth. You can witness this love everywhere; we feel it when someone offers us a kind word of encouragement, a warm greeting, a genuine smile or when we witness the splendor and magnificence of a glorious sunrise. Sometimes when we feel this love, it feels so awesome that our heart inside us feels like it might explode. Most recently this grace and love can be seen in the Mama Bear who chastised her Cub on the Streets of Baltimore day before yesterday. You don’t mess with Mama Bear, not even if you are one of her Cubs!
However, there is a caveat that should be understood. Presently saint and sinner alike experience Almighty God’s Grace. All people on Planet Earth feel it and know it and most of us like the way it feels. What happens when people reject this most common love and allows themselves to be filled with hate? A good example is what has taken place on Streets of Baltimore, MD this past weekend. What happens when Almighty God removes Himself from Planet Earth? I believe that the time will come when He does. Hell will be a place absent of Almighty God’s Grace. Can you imagine being in a place absent of love or Grace? The sadist part of this story is that none of us ever have to experience an absence of Grace. We can live forever basking in His Love and His Grace. Almighty God has made a provision for anyone and everyone to experience his Grace for eternity. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. If you do you will never be separated from God’s Grace. Please don’t ignore this warning. Check it out, Jesus Christ IS, and has done what He had done, and will do all that He said that He will do. That’s a historical and absolute fact.