MONEY NOT BACKED BY GOLD is money that can be manipulated by the creator of it. The present creator of money in the USA is the Federal Reserve Bank.  Our Federal Government (USA) is and has been having an illicit affair with the Federal Reserve Bank for more than one hundred years.  By-the-way, there is nothing “Federal” about the Federal Reserve Bank, and there is no reserve what-so-ever.   Between the greedy members of Congress and the greedy owners of the FED, the two of them they have committed atrocities that are about to come to a head.
The FED has managed to takeaway gold from backing the dollar. In collusion with the US Congress, the FED has managed to print trillions of worthless paper dollars. As long as the vast majority of the people in the WORLD are deceived into thinking the US Dollar actually has value, the FED has the ability to churn the users of these worthless US dollars. And, believe it or not the FED is doing just that! HOWEVER! The world is beginning to awaken to the scam, and when fully awakened the world economy will take a few major hits. Chaos will rule for a long period of time and recovery will be slow. The possibility of the majority of Americans being reduced to poverty is likely, the least worst case will be the GAP between the wealthy and the poor will widen. Wake up America and let your voice be heard! ~awd