In all of reality, the LEFT is against everything that has sustained our American system; like the family, the church, individual rights, economic liberty, and the rule of law.
Satan convinced Adam that he didn’t need to obey his Creator. Adam believed Satan’s first lie! “Eat the forbidden fruit and he would be just like God.” Well, that didn’t work out so well because the majority of Adam’s lineage became so corrupt and so evil that Almighty God flooded the globe destroying all of humanity with the exception of Noah and his family. Knowledge of this truth is important today, however, it is being hidden and obscured by the LEFT.
Satan is still in the business of deception! The LEFT is totally convinced that there is no God, that there never was a flood, that the Holy Bible is nothing more than a book written by men to control the masses. They seem to be disgusted with talk of religion, faith, morality and the sacredness of human life. In all of reality, the LEFT is against everything that has sustained our American system; like the family, the church, individual rights, economic liberty, and the rule of law. All of these things are under attack by the evil LEFT. Communism is the best example of what the LEFT desires to be.
A little over a century ago Karl Marx, a leader of the LEFT, was totally against the eighth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” He was a promoter of stealing from the productive and giving to the non-productive. He thought that this would balance the playing field. And, it did. Where his philosophies ruled the playing field became level. Everyone became poorer than they once were, including the wealthy; eventually, chaos ruled and many people died. This has never worked anywhere in the world. It is sometimes easy to think that all we need is a few more rules and that those rules would allow Government to make the world a place free of evil.
Changing our economic system requires a little more than what the Communist have been able to do so far. They have taken a little different tactic since the beginning of the last century. A fellow by the name of Antonio Gramsci, who was a Marxist during the early part of the Twentieth Century, realized that it would be impossible to change America and other industrial nations using the economy alone. He came up with a slogan that pretty much explains what is going on today. And, that slogan was, “CAPTURE THE CULTURE.” This tact appears to be making great strides in destroying everything that is good about America. As their momentum builds things get much worse.
What is worrisome to me is the lack of History being taught to our children. The Gen X’ers and the Millennials don’t have a clue of just how destructive the LEFT is. Many of them are taking the bait, hook-line-and-sinker. Some of them think Bernie Sanders is the answer. The LEFTIST are all the same; they want to increase the power of the State at the expense of the individual. It may work for a while, but in the end, it is chaotic and people who disagree with the LEFT or Communist will die.
The LEFT is and has been re-writing History. Many young people say the Christendom has done more harm than good; They seem to believe that the Crusades caused much death in the name of Christ. The Crusades (there were more than one) was a hard time in history but think about the good that Christianity has done all over the World since Christ preached the truth. Is there a Country in the entire world, a country that has not been influenced by Christianity, that honors individual rights, that respects women, and offers liberty of thought and expression? I don’t think so, nor has there ever been! On the other hand; The LEFT is quick to judge Christians, calling them haters, and bigots because of their belief in the Bible and their attempt spread the TRUTH and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
What can Christians do to help stop this destruction of our Nation? I can think of two things. First, Christians should courageously shine a light in dark places in order to show others and the world just how evil the LEFT is. Second, we need to offer an alternative way of life to this LEFT worldview. If we can show the evils of the LEFT and compare them to the beauty and the benefits of Christianity we can make some progress. There is no comparison, Christianity will always triumphant over the Evil of the LEFT. Christianity is one of the only places that true peace and joy can be found.
Saddle Up Christian Soldier there is a lot of dark places that need the bright light of TRUTH! SIC 'EM!