Why did God Harden the Heart of Pharaoh?

Why did God harden the hearts of the Pharaoh and many other Egyptians in the days when Moses and Aaron were asking and telling Pharaoh to let God’s people go?  I’m not an educated theologian, therefore, my understanding about much of the Bible is simply my own speculation.  Having said that, there are a few things that I do know.  Among them, and the most important, is that by the Grace of God and through His only Son Jesus  I have been adopted into the family of God. This is great news, and it’s great news everyday of my life from now until the end of eternity.  I have accepted this free gift and all who wish to know him have the same opportunity.  Another thing I’ve learned over the years is that there is such a thing as discernment.  I have sometimes been given this gift, however, to say so would seem arrogant, so I’ll use the word speculation . . . most people with understand the point I am trying to make.    I’ve also learned that much of what many theologians of our day are saying is also speculation.  Sometimes our speculations are right and sometimes they are wrong.   It seems that even those of us with a limited ability to understand have been given the ability and the liberty to speculate.  Shouldn’t we try and find truth in our speculations?  Even though the opposition would dampen our attempts to find truth shouldn’t we continue to struggle and fight in that direction? Why did God deliberately choose to harden the heart of that particular Pharaoh?  God Himself answered this question in the scripture several times.    In Exodus 7:3-5 (ESV) God stated,  “But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my hosts, my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment.  The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the people of Israel from among them.”  This isn’t the last time that God made a similar statement about the hardening of the heart of Pharaoh.   The question remains, why?  Although, God is God, and He can do as he pleases, we may still wonder why he selected the Egyptian Pharaoh’s heart to harden?  If you will recall earlier in the book of Genesis, God chose to bless Egypt and the Egyptians through his servant Joseph.  From the time of Joseph to the departure of the children of Israel was around 430 years.  In the beginning the Pharaoh acknowledged the power and sovereignty of Joseph’s God, however, things changed over four centuries and the children of Israel were enslaved by later regimes.  Also, the Egyptian people were worshiping other gods.  The curse of Adams sin continued then as it does today.   The Egyptians felt that they knew a better way than God’s way and arrogantly did their own thing. We don't know how many years passed during the plagues, but the Egyptians suffered through 10 plagues before letting God’s chosen people go.  And, still after suffering the ten plagues Pharaoh’s heart was hardened again.  In Pharaoh’s hate and arrogance he personally took six hundred choice chariots and all the other chariots in Egypt and pursued the Children of Israel.  The Children of Israel consisted of six hundred thousand men on foot plus a mixed multitude of others.  Considering all of these things, the movement of that many people and livestock over any distance was a miracle.  There is much more about this in the Book of Exodus.  I have only hit the high points.   The whole story starts in Genesis 37 and continues through Exodus 15.  It is some of the most exciting parts of the Holy Bible.   The first twenty-one verses in Chapter 15 is a song sang by the people of Israel . . . . a celebration of the Goodness and Greatness of Almighty God who had helped them to separate themselves from Egypt.  And still, due to their own sins and arrogance only a couple of them made the entire trip to the Promised Land.  Read the story it is an awesome read! ~Adverse Yaw      



2 thoughts on “Why did God Harden the Heart of Pharaoh?”

  1. AWD, If you back up to Exodus chapter 5: 1-2 it is the first encounter Moses and Aaron had with Pharaoh and Pharaoh said “Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Isreal go? I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Isreal go.” I think Paraoh had already hardened his heart to the point God just said if that is your position then I will show you, your not in control like you think you are.

  2. Good post Wayne. You’ve got the basic opeining for that book you need to write. Linked with the 400 years between the OT and NT, a lot of history and prophecy going forward can be stated in layman’s terms.

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