It's not black against white or smart over dumb or rich over the poor or even the haves over the have nots.  Inequity is when evil wins over good, or when deceit wins over truth.   It has always been this way, and it always will be until the end of time as we now know it.   I believe the approaching of the end is near.  Soon born-again Christians will be raptured out of here, and soon thereafter evil will be eternally defeated.   I'm looking forward to that day.   In the mean time we are in for some interesting times.

If you are not a born-again Christians, I encourage you to become one.  If you don't know how to become one, then contact me I would love to tell you.   It is really good news.  It is totally free and you can become one just as you are, no matter who your are or what you have done.