I was told about the Williams/Snowden interview and did my best to find a complete copy. There were several, however, they have been removed.
Why? Could it be that there was way too much uncomfortable truth involved in that interview? Uncomfortable for the scoundrals that wanted the truth to remain hidden! Could it be that a few more Americans might realize the corruption within our government? Heaven forbid that this should leak out! !
Snowden has done nothing to harm the security of America! On the contrary! He is one of the few trying to reveal a cancer that is aggressively attacking our government from within.
I have always said that this young man. Snowden, is a patriot and not a traitor. Unlike that Sargent that was just traded for five serious terrorist leaders. Surely the most blatant of liberals can smell a rat within our executive branch and our congress. Believe me there are many more that one rat. America needs a pied piper. The rat population is growing exponentially in Washington DC and throughout America. Yet no one is doing anything about it. Where is the free press? Is the American media no longer free, or have they become a bunch of bed wetting crybabies? Something is wrong with this picture?
(Since the time that I first posted this post on Facebook, more of the interview has been posted on the NBC's website. But, the start to finish unedited interview is still not available. Williams makes comments and judgements as the interview progresses, always placing his slant between the interview segments that NBC has allowed to be placed there. This method is typical of the media of the 21st Century to always place their spin on their version of the truth, or what they want the truth to be.)