How is it that one group of people can claim that it is their right to force another group of people to do anything that is against their will and their own moral ethical code? According to the Deceleration of Independence all men (women included) are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This does NOT mean that because I am Alive that I have a Right and the Liberty to punch you in the nose because it makes me Happy!
It does mean that gays have the right to be gay if they choose to be, but gays DO NOT have the right to make anyone else participate in any way, shape, form or fashion in any behavior that the Holy Bible considers to be sinful. This would include taking part in blessing a Gay Union by perform a gay marriage ceremony. The judges, the lawyers and the political powers also have a right to believe whatever they choose, however, they DO NOT have the right to force anyone else to believe or to behave in the same way. Should they try to ram their beliefs on anyone else by threats of jail time or by threats of cash fines, then the we the people should rise up and eliminate them from government by what ever means necessary! For this very reason we have the second amendment! Is this so complicated that a court should decide and declare what liberty really is?  Give me a break even those in government know what is right and what is not!  Are we the people so stupid that we will tolerate such Bovine Excrement on our computers, on our televisions,  and at our dinner table? ? ? ? Click the link below to see what brought on this monolog.