Ever wonder how we got so politically messed up in our nation? There was a similar thing that happened in the Old Testament. After the Israelites moved into their promised land the book of Judges tells us that “In those days Israel had no king and every man did as he saw fit.” (17:6, 21:5) This is basically saying that there was no central government. Because there was no central government there was also no standing national army. But then they didn't need one. That’s because around 1200 BC the Egyptians were fading, the Hittites vanished, Assyria was weak and distracted, and the Babylonians and Persians were nowhere. God cleared everyone out so His people could live in relative peace. And they relied on God for their protection. But then about 1042 BC the people went to Samuel and said "We want a king to be like everyone else." (1 Sam. 8) Or to say that a different way, "We want to rely on a government instead of God." They wanted to do things their way, not God’s. The results . . . within three generations their leader (Solomon) was worshiping other gods and shortly after he died their nation was split. Our nation is, and has been for some time, in a fight. Not so much actual fighting now since we left Iraq and Afghanistan but one for the core identity of who we are and direction we are going. Are we going to be a nation truly under God or not? Are we going to do things His way or not? November 4 is vote day. But if we head to the polls with only the feeling that we need nose plugs as we pull the lever for the lesser of the evils, are we really making a difference or are we just hoping for one party to do less damage to us than another? Yes we can pray for our leaders, but are we still just wanting to rely on a government to fix our ills instead of God? Why not be preemptive instead. Long before elections we need to humble ourselves and do our part to repent of our sins telling God we have sinned against Him by making politics and government our defining factor and not relying on Him. If we really want change we need to pray for a change of heart that goes across party lines. And that starts by changing our hearts first. Instead of thumping our blue state/red state chests we need to be humbly, as a nation, seeking first His kingdom, His righteousness, and His way. Being led by the Spirit (Rom. 8:13) is the only way we are going to live and remain in our promise land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land,” truly being “One Nation Under God.” That’s what we need to be voting for. ~Dave Dedman (Friend of Renda Brumbeloe)