I’m not upset because the vast majority our citizens (Americans) have become ignorant stone throwers and that they are throwing the stones at other ignorant stone throwers.   However, there is nothing new under the sun. I am especially angered when I hear of two of New York City’s Police Officers were murdered in cold blood while on duty and sitting in their patrol car.   Why?   Because of ignorance?   Because of racial hate?  There is nothing new about that.   I believe that the primary reason for this happening is because the shooter didn’t know Jesus Christ.
I’m not upset because the homosexual agenda seems to be winning ground and in many walks of life being a gay man or lesbian women is very IN.   After all, there is nothing new under the sun. I’m not upset because the murder of human beings has become epidemic and people are doing it daily.   Thinking all the time that what they are doing something good for society.   Abortion is not good! However, there is nothing new under the sun. I’m not upset because adultery and fornication has become totally right, as right as shelling peas on a Saturday afternoon.   After all, there is nothing new under the sun. What is upsetting to me is the fact that all of this is taking place on my watch.   A Christian for more than fifty years and I have failed to expressed the Good News of Jesus Christ to as many people as I could have. I am angered because of my failure, America is becoming a pagan nation.  What was once a great Christian Nation is falling apart, and it’s all my fault.   May Almighty God forgive me.