Not only did Almighty God give Joshua his first victory at Jericho but with God’s divine help he defeated all the inhabitants of the Promised Land with a few exceptions. One exception wasn’t a defeat, but rather a deceit perpetrated on him by the Hivites, the inhabitants of Gibeon. "Only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod did some remain. So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the LORD had spoken to Moses. And Joshua gave it for an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal allotments. And the land had rest from war." ~Joshua 11: 22b-23 ESV
After reading the first eleven chapters in the book of Joshua I find it most interesting that on behalf of the descendents of Israel Almighty God saw fit to stop time for a full day, He also caused great hail stones to fall that caused more enemy deaths than all of Joshua’s men during the whole campaign of moving into the Promised Land. Joshua and his men spilled much blood taking  possession of the land given to them by Almighty God. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet Joshua in an environment where we could know him personally?   If I could meet and get to know a hero from history, and I had my choices between Joshua and George Washington, or John Adams, or Martin Luther or almost anyone else I would choose Joshua. Almighty God gave him a great amount of courage and he used it freely. From the first time that he crossed the Jordan River and the forty years of wondering around in the wilderness until the resting from the end of war he maintained a personal relationship with Almighty God. I would love to sit down with Joshua and get to know him. He is a fascinating person. I am afraid to try and explain to others what the Holy Scripture say. Because so much importance is placed on rightly dividing the Word that I tend to be very cautious.  But, I will say this; read it and study it with an open mind and open heart. Almighty God will speak to you. However, you must listen with your heart.