Friday the 17th of April 2015, Michelle Manhart was involved in an attempt to stop the desecration of an American Flag on the Campus of Valdosta State University.   If anyone violated the rights of another she is the guilty party.   She took the flag that belonged to the desecrators. In her attempt to protect the flag she refused to let go of the flag when the police demanded it.   However,  all things considered, I can’t help but love a woman who will standup for the American Flag, and the good American way of life, even if she was technically wrong.
It has been said that legislation should be passed to protect the American Flag, and there may have been such legislation passed in some places.   Desiring a law such as this is a very juvenile way to think.   You can only legislate and make illegal so much.   All the laws of any importance were given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, and they still apply.   And, Almighty God will be the final judge on the breaking of those laws. What is the solution to all the problems we face here in America, and throughout the World?   It’s not making new laws and then enforcing them.   It’s not even enforcing the laws that currently exist.   A law, a rule, or a code cannot fix the problems of the World or any of the individual situations within the World. The only true solution to the problems of the World it a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.   Jesus was present when the foundations of the World were put in place.   And, there is historical evidence of Him, His life, His death, His burial and His resurrection.    `  Jesus Christ is!   Jesus gave us two Commandments:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.   And a second is like it:   You shall love your neighbor as yourself.   On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” ~Jesus Christ (Matthew 22: 37-40 ESV) If the Good News of Jesus Christ was acknowledged, sought after, preached and believed this world would be a much different place.   What has become of the great spirit filled American preacher, fearless, bold and challenging?   Has he lost his way?   Are his interests in things other than spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ?   Is his focus on other things besides the freedom of liberty, the joys of obedience, the peace that passes all understanding and the love of Almighty God’s grace?   Could this be one of the reasons that American is looking more like a confused and disobedient third World nation than One Nation Under God?