There is really no mystery about truth. The evidence is everywhere. All one has to do is investigate. Open the eyes to what is all around. Open the mind and allow it to be filled with truth. Open the heart to the love of God.
In order for a person to open their mind and heart to the truth they must first surrender their desire, their opinion, their agenda and most of all their self. They must realize that many truths are obscured by untruths, partial truths and even the most obvious of lies. They don't have to be skeptical about anything, what they should do is ignore anything that isn't certifiably true.
Truth does not hide, nor it is afraid. Truth is something that is always in-your-face obvious. A person doesn't have to be a calculus expert to understand that winning the lottery is much less than probable ––– a little honest thought is all that is required to understand this fact. Yet people buy lottery tickets more often than not . . . . I am ashamedly guilty of that myself. It is obviously true that when I buy a lottery ticked I am being motivated by self to believe such a far-fetched thought as to winning millions and that that would make me any more happy than I already am.
Almost everything either rings of truth or deceit. Most times it is easy to determine one from the other. Some of the most obvious obstacles of truths are; 1. the facts that our desires are always bias, 2. our opinions of the way things should be are always bias, and 3. continually thinking outwardly from ourselves, as most of us can't get beyond the fact we are not the center of all things, are the smoke screens that hide truth. If one cannot get beyond these simple facts it is doubtful that the truth will ever matter to them. They may go through their lives and to their graves knowing what they want life to be, and wanting what they want it to be to be, with little regard for reality, and they never give truth a thought. Most of them live a very dissatisfied and miserable life. I believe that a vast number of Americans are in this very boat. They are sailing aboard the ship called OBLIVION and it's destination is much farther than NOWHERE, it's final destination is HELL.
~Adverse Yaw