All posts by admin


All reasonable effort should be made to prevent crazy people, included terrorist, from randomly harming innocent people. Recently crowds of shoppers, solders and others have been maimed and murdered with trucks. Several people have been randomly shot and killed with semiautomatic weapons in the past few hours. There are more than several things that can be done to slow this kind of murderous activity. Since 911 many well-intended things have been made lawful that negatively affected everyone. TSA has stopped a few armed people from boarding aircraft, many of them not terrorist at all. I remember when Berry Switzer tried to get though security with a handgun in his briefcase. He wasn’t deliberately trying to deceive anyone, he just forgot that it was in his briefcase. I can think of two things that could be done, however, they probably will never take place. I assure you these two things would be more effective that what we are doing now. The first would apply to Airports and boarding flights both domestic and international. First. A person with the talent and ability to discern dangerous people should interview all passengers. Most anyone with the least amount of common sense could do this, however, law enforcement offices throughout America have people who deal with criminals and terrorist everyday. It would a take a good interviewer less than a minute to determine a person to be safe or dangerous. Of course if a person is the least bit suspect more time could be spent on that sort of individual. When I was flying an airliner I depended on my flight attendants to inform me of a problem. Flight attendants dealt with people every flight and could identify a person who was going to be an issue before they took their seat. Of course many of them were only jerks and not a significant danger (that comes with the job). But having said that, if the FA didn’t want a person on the flight because she or he thought they were the least bit dangerous we would not push off the gate with that person on board. Sometimes the person would have to be physically removed by a team of police officers. On every occasion that this happened the remaining passengers cheered and clapped as the perpetrator was removed. The second thing would apply for all acts of terror that have taken placed. I know that many of you will not agree with me, but I know it would work. Second. Any mass murder, shooter, truck driver or any other kind of terrorist who harms innocent people should receive a fair trial. When convicted and executed the remains of the terrorist should be by law fed to live hogs with news media filming it and a YouTube video of it should be placed on the internet. If the terrorist blows themselves up in the process of killing innocent people, their remains should be identified via DNA and those remains fed to live hogs. If there is any other way to stop this sort of behavior from taking place that would be great. I doubt if any other method would be as effective. Claiming insanity as a defense should not apply here. Some people die of cancer, others die of heart attacks, others die in an auto accidents. If a person contracts the ability to harm others he or she should be executed and their remains fed to live hogs. Too bad so sad, but so is many other ways of loosing life, especially being murdered by a crazy or a terrorist.


Our Constitutional Republic is a two edged sword which protects both the informed and the ignorant and guarantees freedom and liberty to both sides of America’s World Views.   The predominant World Views of America are the LEFT & the RIGHT World Views. The LEFT is made up of PROGRESSIVES, LIBERALS & MODERATES, and each of these groups lean heavily toward Secular Humanism which is: "humanism, with regard in particular to the belief that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without belief in God."  (online dictionary).   Individuals within each group seldom verbalize their true beliefs because their own intelligence reveals to them that Secular Humanism can’t possibly work in the long run. Of course there are many ignorant people than never gave the term World View any real thought.   The fact remains that there is no such thing as absolute truth without belief in God.   As a result when an overwhelming majority believes this way our Constitutional Republic will fail to exist. The RIGHT is made up of Conservatives, Evangelicals, and many other Religious people who agree that there is a Supreme Being and Creator.   Although the RIGHT contains a few Secular Humanist who lean toward TRUTH, most of them will eventually become true Conservatives or they will end up on the LEFT where they are more comfortable and where they really belong. The differences are not complicated.  A key word here is RESPONSIBILITY.   According to Secular Humanism there is no God and all things including humans are only particles of matter and/or energy shaped by chance.   Who then are they responsible to?   They would be responsible only to themselves; therefore, they would be in bondage to the sheer flow of matter and energy shaped by chance.   But it is apparent that the LEFT believes only what it believes to be true as truth, and their truth changes from moment to moment.   The LEFT has a mob-oriented view of truth and they are susceptible to going along with the crowd, or the majority which, in my opinion, is very sinful and very self-destructive.   If one is LEFT they must think like the LEFT, act like the LEFT and speak like the LEFT or suffer the consequences. On the other hand the RIGHT is filled with liberty and the freedom to choose along with much RESPONSIBILITY.   Those on the RIGHT feel a strong responsibility to the Creator Who created them and gave them the right to think and the right to choose.   The LEFT offers no such right.   Differ with the thinking of the LEFT and they will come after you with all kinds of hate labels and innuendo.   They will try and destroy you and any credibility that you may have. Their arch-rival is the RIGHT,  or you might say their arch-rival is TRUTH. The vast number of the LEFT is made up of poor ignorant, deceived souls who have come to the belief that if it feels good then do it because it’s okay.   The leaders of the LEFT are the evil side of this equation, and Satan is their Commander and Chief.   The LEFT is presently and has been for the past  105 years,  trying to destroy the traditional Judaeo-Christian families, Churches and Synagogues. Therefore, it behooves those of us who love liberty and freedom to admonish each and every citizen we know to preserve our way of life by protecting and  producing more Judaeo-Christian families, by protecting and producing more Christian Churches and Synagogues.   The traditional family, moral virtue, churches and synagogues are  and always have been the glue that has held our Republic together. With our new President Elect we have a tiny chance of change, however, the opposition is a strong opponent that can’t be defeated without much faith, hope, love and prayer.   We Christians should pray and evangelize like never before!


Many of us understand the history of our Nation and the importance of our Judaeo-Christian heritage and the influence it has had in our history.  However, it is difficult to fathom the reasons for all the attacks against America from the outside and from the inside.  We may agree with the Bible that there is a Spiritual war being fought, but we can’t get a handle on the reasons why the LEFT is so involved. It maybe that a huge number of Americans don’t want to know the reasons why and if they caught a glimpse of them they probably wouldn’t believe them anyway.  Many so-called-Christians are leaning more and more toward the LEFT. The problem of Islam in the west isn’t that the Islamic Terrorist are so strong. It is because Christian people in the West have become so weak. There may be as many Evangelical Christians in Russia as there are in the USA! The media hides truths like this from the West. Most media is a huge participant in the ideals of the LEFT. (Believe it or not, hiding truths is part of the conspiracy) The enemy of the LEFT is Christianity because the LEFT cannot survive in the midst of Christian Values. The LEFT is a twin brother to Communism–––as in their minds everything is relative and there is no such thing as absolute TRUTH. The LEFT is a wise old serpent that understands in order to marginalize Christianity the Family unit must be dismantled as much as possible. The LEFT is a religion.   A primary god of that religion is politics. This particular god promotes arrogant self-interest and secular humanism. There is no humility it this religion. This religion is dominated by arrogant deceit! Consider the fact that the LEFT’s ideals are closely related to Communist's ideals, however, lately the LEFT led by Hillary has been attacking Putin (supposedly a communist). Why is that?   The LEFT has also been attacking Donald Trump for respecting Putin.   Why is that?  Could it be that Putin realizes that there is a special kind of power with Christianity?  Could Putin be a believer? The reason the LEFT is constantly attacking Christianity is because of a conspiracy.   Yes! Believe it or not, it is a conspiracy of a spiritual nature and the main conspirator is Satan himself.   Satan is no dummy, he knows that the winner of this Spiritual war has already been determined and that the winner is not himself.   But, he is determined to do evil, because he is evil. Having said all of this I challenge all Christians to remain in the fight and to be the Christian Soldiers that Almighty God intended us to be.  We Soldiers of the Cross are to love one another and to love others, to remain humble, to worship Almighty God continuously and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love to everyone we meet.  Remembering always the Sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the Cross over two thousand years ago.   I also challenge all of those who don’t know the Truth to seek it and to find it and to believe it.   Find the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you free.  

No morality = no liberty

"Our modern, virtually unqualified, enthusiasm for liberty forgets that liberty can only be the ""the space between the walls,"" the walls of morality and based upon morality. It is sensible to argue about how far apart the walls should be set, but it is cultural suicide to demand all space and no walls." ~Robert Bork 1996 It is worthwhile to note from where morality comes. Who defines it and why? The laws of nature and nature's God come to mind. Liberty and morality complement and support one another, neither will last very long without the other. ~Adverse Yaw


If you are a media person trying to be fair and balanced you may be able to keep yourself from being emotionally moved by one or both candidates for POTUS.  If you are a patriot who loves your country, which is a large part of your heritage, you can’t be involved in anyway this year without being emotionally affected, especially if you are one who cares about your family and their future. On this the morning after, all the SPINNERS are out SPINNING words, some of the words true and some of them untrue, into believable phrases filled with minutia.   If all Americans had the ability to filter the minutia from the truth where only the truth was seen the SPINNERS wouldn’t be necessary.   The problem is that there are a huge number of American voters who haven’t the time to search out the truth and separate it from all of the SPIN.   Due to our education system in America few younger adults know the different ideologies involved in this election.   They don’t know that the LEFT has influenced our education system in a negative way.   They don’t know that the LEFT has corrupted the truth as far as our history is concerned.   They don’t know that the LEFT has corrupted the media, the arts, and particularly the sexual morality in America.   If these unknowingly young Americans cast their vote in the wrong direction or fail to vote at all it could severely wound our Nation and devastate our future.

We are in a Spiritual war and the real issues are ideologies

In this election the facts are obvious and very simple.   The only obscurity of the truth is the rhetoric between the opponents. We are in a Spiritual war and the real issues are ideologies.
The LEFT, and their ideology has been gaining popularity for more than 100 years here in America.   Their ideology favors secular humanism, which is; humanism, with regard in particular to the belief that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without belief in God.   Their actions prove more believable than their rhetoric. Many of them are apostates claiming to be Christian in words only.   Take a look at what the LEFT has done to our Universities, to our Art, to economies of the World to mention only a few.   Hillary and her views are parallel with the LEFT. On the other hand the RIGHT has a totally opposite ideology.   The RIGHT believes that our Country was founded and our Constitution was based on the Judeo-Christian ideology. Which is:  “God is.   And, He created all things, and Almighty God gave us all of our unalienable rights and our liberty.   We as a nation are not obligated to obey any Religion, or any Preacher, or any Church. However, we are responsible to God and His law.”   Donald Trump’s views are much closer to the RIGHT than they are to the LEFT.   Although, he needs to work on his self-control, he is more American than his opponent. There is no doubt that Hillary’s ideals favor the LEFT and Donald’s favor the Right.   Both, are human beings and both are no more and no less sinners that you or I. The issue is the ideologies and the battle is a spiritual one.   Keep in mind that there is a conspiracy, and for there to be a conspiracy means that there must be deceit, deception and a conspirator. Believe me there is a conspiracy, the lies, the deceit and the deception are easily seen by those interested in truth.   The conspirator is Satan himself. And, as always when Satan wins we the people loose.  Nothing happens that Almighty God doesn’t allow. Although, I pray not, this maybe the year that Satan wins this battle.   We the people may receive what we deserve and what Almighty God may allow. Like it or not, you and I are the voters and we are in this fight. Therefore, first and foremost we should fight only because our cause is right, and we should continue the fight with great vigor even though it may seem as if we are failing or going to fail.   Above all, we must not fail to cast our Vote!

We should hope for the best but prepare for the worst!

November 8, 2016 will tell the tale. Should we get the worst, chances are good that we Americas will have to continue to endure this insane atmosphere that we have experienced for the past almost eight years. There will be more debt piled upon the trillions of dollars that we already owe, less opportunity and more poverty, less tranquil peace with more hateful divisiveness, more shootings, bombings and less law enforcement. Desolation similar the City of Detroit will become as common as springtime storms. Hate among the races will double and Hillary will disappear into the White House. It wouldn't surprise me if she became an invalid in her first and hopefully her last term as POTUS. If she is the Christian that she claims to be she must be horribly guilt ridden. It is most doubtful that she has ever had a spiritual encounter with Jesus Christ.
Win or loose, I continue to pray for Hillary. I pray that she will have a face to face spiritual encounter with Jesus Christ, that she will accept his grace, repent of her sins and become truly born again into God’s family. I realize that the chance of this happening is slim to nonexistent, but we are to love and pray for everyone even our enemies. Should Donald Trump win, we as a nation will have more of a fighting chance for change in the right direction. However, DT will have to overcome many a stumbling block. Win or loose, I pray for DT as well. I pray for America as a Nation. Although, the America that I grew up in has already changed and will probably never be the same, I still pray for her and her Judo-Christian heritage. With DT or HC as POTUS we are in for a bumpy ride, much more than a little light chop, we are in for some moderate to severe turbulence, so cinch your seat belts down snug and tight, and hang on. Things are going to get extremely interesting! I admonish everyone to continue in prayer for America. Continue to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!


The young American’s of today have already been seduced by lying political groups.   The word seduction stems from Latin and means literally "to lead astray".   So how does one seduce another person or persons without using deceit? Young Americas should beware. Hillary is a master of deceit and deception.   There is no doubt that truth is unimportant to what Hillary Clinton says.   She is so much more comfortable with a lie than she is the Truth! Don’t be seduced by Hillary’s lies.   She does not love you nor does she care about anyone other than herself.   She wants more than just your heart, she wants your soul, cross her and she will cut you with evil words and walk away!   There are more than several physically dead people who have crossed her.   She seems to have sold her soul to Satan in return for the power to deceive the masses. Don’t be hoodwinked, especially young American Women. She will use you like a doormat. Vote for Donald Trump and be sure and vote. A no vote is a vote for Hillary Clinton. This is by far the most important election in this century! Don’t believe the lies, search for the truth.

This may be wishful thinking I don’t know!

This may be wishful thinking I don’t know! But, Donald Trump seems to be winning big at the present time. One indication that this may be so is the frantic attack of Donald Trump by the liberal news media, and even more so the terror that seems to engulf the RNC upper establishment. They are horribly afraid of him winning! I think it all depends on two things. One is whether more Americans who see the truth show up at the polls over the ignorant Hillary voters. Hillary is a real Pied Piper and has a large accumulation of ignorant people following her. Or Almighty God may allow Hillary to win because of the sins of America for the past seventy years. Many think that we probably deserve her due to our lackadaisical attitude toward morality and of course the abortion issue.

THE VP DEBATE 10/04/16

Evidently Senator Tim Kaine’s strategy was to constantly interrupted Governor Pence with the only ammo that he had which was Trump’s taxes and Trump’s earlier statements. Every time Pence would try and make a point that Kaine didn’t like he would interrupt. Kaine just couldn’t be quite when Pence was trying to make a valid point. The moderator didn’t do her job. She would interrupt Pence and not allow him to finish his point! She would allow Kaine to interrupt and talk-over Pence and because of her failure to control the debate it appeared that she was there to help Kaine.
It became evident to me that in spite of Kaine’s professed faith he is an abortionist just like Hillary and Obama. It is also evident that Hillary’s whole team is sharpening their skill at deceiving the masses of unformed Americans. Maybe America will receive what she deserves. I hope and pray that it’s not another Clinton administration, especially a Hillary Clinton administration! If she does become the next POTUS we will live in very interesting times, and it won’t be very comfortable for the normal Americans.


Some proclaim that once a person is born-again into the family of God that life will be nothing but joy and peace. I disagree, and I wish it were so, but it just isn’t true. Life here on planet Earth, even for born-again-believers, is filled with trials, tribulations and regrets. Sometimes fear and depression, if allowed, will creep into our thoughts. However, there is no such euphoria as the time when a person realizes that the Almighty God of the Universe loves them enough that he allowed his only Son to pay your way into everlasting life with Him. We should remember everyday of out lives that Jesus Christ shed all of His Blood for you and for me. Even after being born-again, on occasion life may not be so pleasant and not so euphoric. Doubt often arrives and if allowed fear can take over and led us in many wrong directions. Our only option is to trust Him, trust His word and obey Him the very best that we can, leaving all the consequences to Him. If you are like me and struggle with every little act of obedience, and then, for what ever reason you place all of your trust in Him and obey Him it the tiniest little thing. Then you force yourself to wait on Him and His consequences for you, you may suddenly receive this euphoric high that only He can give you. Feelings of His Grace and His Love are enough, because they are worth more than anything that you can park in your garage, or place in your safe, or in your wardrobe. The peace of mind that surpasses all understanding is more valuable that owning the world. Like the apostle Paul you will have all you desire whether you own much material or whether you have nothing. Just a thought. And, I’d like to pass it along because I’ve found it to be so very true in my life. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:7


If our next POTUS happens to be Hillary R. Clinton I doubt that anything will immediately change. Long term we will have to deal with an extremely liberal Supreme Court. With such a court much will happen. There will be pockets of Sharia Law in every state. There will be a serious attack on the Second Amendment. And, the entire Constitution will suffer harm that would mortify our founding fathers if they were alive. Hillary will complete the fundamental changes to the American way of life that Obama started almost eight years ago. Already it is hard to imagine how far we have digressed in our legacy.   America is supposed to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. I know for a fact that there are many brave men and women in America but there are fewer and fewer free people. If Hillary wins it will get worse and worse. How did it happen? How did it happen that Obama won two terms as POTUS? If Hillary wins many will ask; how did that happen? When Sharia Law loving terrorist invade every state in our nation we will ask our selves; how did that happen? We, the American people, have allowed idols to take the place of Almighty God. We all seem to dream of winning the lottery. We think that we would be great because we would share all those millions. I really don’t think so, not so much anyway. Of course many constantly think of how they can get more stuff, spend more money, dress better and all of that. Deep within their heart and minds is that creature that drives them on and on. That creature that lives inside them is always thinking of the past errors that have been made and how they can improve their situation tomorrow. We are all guilty. It is a part of our sinful nature. Seldom do we think of the NOW. Christians want to give God credit but we don’t really want to worship Him; stuff is more fun and more important to us. When and if we go to Church we want the person preaching to tickle our ears and make us feel better. We don’t want to be bothered with the truth. Pulpits all over America are more than willing to accommodate us. No one wants to make waves. Most everyone wants to be PC. But, there is some good news! Eternal life is available to each of us through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It is the born-again-believers who are responsible to spread this wonderful news. Because we have failed to shout the Gospel from the rooftops many don’t know about it. It’s like there are generations who are in some sort of trance and are oblivious to this fantastic news. Christians have dropped the ball, the pulpits have drop the ball and the enemy is making great strides in the destruction of this country. Hillary is only an indicator of the problem. The problem is the desire to sin. It is a desire so strong that many are hoodwinked by their own desires to believe many horrendous untruths. It is more than obvious to me that Trump is the only choice we have. I know that he, like all of us, has flaws and is imperfect. However, he is probably our last best hope. Hillary is not that bright, and she is susceptible to being deceived by the dark side. Almighty God may just allow her to win. Heaven knows that we deserve her! REMEMBER THIS: OBAMA won the last election because Christian people didn’t vote. If the Christians had gotten out and voted Obama would have lost. It will be the same for Hillary. It’s imperative that all Christians Vote!


The sooner that we human beings realize that we have the tendency to be very myopic in our vision the sooner we can move in a direction to broaden our horizons. It seems to me that presently we can’t see the forest because of all the trees and because of our nearsightedness as a nation and as individual citizens we will eventually cut off our nose to spite our face. Listen to what people in America are saying. Half the country likes the President and the other half does not. There are pro-abortionist and anti-abortionist. There are pros and cons about the LGBT group. The media seems to have made a big deal about bathroom/Locker-room facilities in public places and that has upset people on both sides of the fence. There is the legalization of marijuana issue, many pros and many cons. There is the issue about the Islamic terrorist and how to deal with them. Even the mentally handicapped have their own ideas about what they want and when they want it. It’s evident to me that self is the problem. If we could just forget about ourselves and think of others. If we could, and if we would think more often of others than we think of ourselves then things would have the tendency to smooth out. Why are we the way that we are? Why can’t we see the good in others and consider what is true about ourselves. Typically the first thing that a persons see in another person is their flaws, weaknesses and failures, and to make matters worse many are often quick to point them out to their friends and often to the people they are judging. Defence and offence will follow and suddenly flaws, weaknesses and failures are the only thing noticed by either party. Again, I believe that ‘self’ is the culprit. Self is not necessarily bad, however, where there is sin ‘self’ is right there in the mix. Too much ‘self’ and truth loses relevance. If there were anything I could change about myself it would be to fix me where I would think less about me and more about you. And I would limit my thought about you to good, wholesome and encouraging thoughts. There will always be flaws in ourselves and in others. However, because of Who created us there are great things about us worthy of celebration. When thinking about another person, goodness needn’t be fabricated because the Creator created the other person too, therefore they have qualities worthy of recognition. We should always know and remember that truth is paramount in everything we think. To think untruth thoughts has to be a waste of time!

FIFTY+ DEAD and some still DYING

Everyone has an idea and an opinion about the IFs, the WHATs, the WHYs and the WHEREFOREs that took place in Orlando this past Sunday morning. For the next few weeks and months we the American people will be inundated with information provided by the news media. Of course many experts in crime, terror and justice will expound on what should have, what could have, if only what would have. And, politicians will take full advantage of this calamity.
But, you know what?  In all reality the horror of these recent mass killings is not the real problem, but it is an obvious indication of what the real problem is. I predict that there will be hundreds and maybe thousands of other innocent Americans slaughtered in the near future. Until the majority of Americans, particularly American Christians, recognize what the real problem is, NOTHING WILL CHANGE!
America has a SIN problem! Too many of us Americans have forgotten that Almighty God is the reason that this Nation ever came into being. Too many Americans have placed self importance above the God that has given us everything. Many Americans, who claim to be Christians, have become idolaters, and most often our idol of choice is SELF.
Call me a bigoted right-winger, call me crazy, call me obnoxious and stupid. I may be all of those things, but if you call me what I am you will call me first a Christian. I’m born-again into the Family of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ a Christian. There are things wrong with me, like my attitude sometimes, like my focusing on myself too often, however, I’m not beyond God’s discipline. He does discipline me often because I am His. But, my sins are all covered by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ.
Back to the problem of Sin and all these killings in America; The solution is obvious and it comes right from the Holy Scripture.
“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
~Almighty God, (2 Chronicles 7:13-14 ESV)
If you are a born-again-Christian, forget about yourself and think about others. Pray for our Nation and think good thoughts about all the good things that Almighty God provides for us each day.


“Therefore, O prostitute, hear the word of the Lord: Thus says the Lord God, Because your lust was poured out and your nakedness uncovered in your whorings with your lovers, and with all your abominable idols, and because of the blood of your children that you gave to them, therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers with whom you took pleasure, all those you loved and all those you hated. I will gather them against you from every side and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness. ~Ezekiel 16:35-37 ESV
Almighty God is speaking to Jerusalem through His profit Ezekiel. America is no better if not worse. Read the entire chapter 16. If you can't see the parallels there then chances you are probably not a born again Christian, and your future is very grim!


“The word of ADONAI came to me: ‘“Human being, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes that can see, but they don’t take notice; and they have ears that can hear, but they don’t pay attention; because they are a rebellious people.”’                    ~Ezekiel 12:1-2, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) ADONAI is a Hebrew name for Almighty God. In this passage Almighty God is speaking to Ezekiel about the house of Judah. These words are very descriptive of the America that we live in today. Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish Rabbi, claims in his opening words at this year’s National Day of Prayer service that there are only two civilizations with the solitary foundations of God’s calling and purpose, and they were; first Israel and second America. And, like Israel, America has failed to follow God’s wishes. Almost four hundred years ago John Winthrop, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, said: “Therefore let us choose life, that we and our seed, may live; by obeying His voice, and cleaving to Him, for He is our life, and our prosperity.” Winthrop was first to use the words referring to America as a “City upon a hill.” Only because of Almighty God’s promise is there any hope for America; “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”’                   ~2 Chronicles 7:13-14 It is very sad that we have forsaken the Almighty God who has blessed America from her very beginning. Because of our selfishness, our arrogance, our disobedience and our disregard for Him as the only sovereign God, our Nation is backed up to the edge of a very high cliff with no where to go but down. It will take a miracle of the same power used in parting the Red Sea to heal America. I pray that He will heal our land.


What could possibly be a greater disappointment than to realize that you have believed a lie for most of your adult life? Truth may not seem to be important now, but truth is always important. The sooner you realize the importance of truth the better. Therefore what ever you do, don’t allow your pride get in the way of knowing and believing what is obviously true.
Words are important, however, words that you believe are thousands of times more important than words that you say aloud or hear. And, know this; Searching for truth requires total honesty with yourself. The World View of a vast number of Americans is that the Bible isn’t trustworthy. (I hate to say majority instead of a vast number, however, majority may be more accurate.) I personally don’t know of anything that is more trustworthy than God’s Word, the Holy Bible. How could anyone with the mental capacity to take cover in a hail storm believe the myth that our arrival here on planet Earth was a total accident, and that our origin was from some murky swamp. I can’t help but believe that this is what many Americans want to be true. But, truth is truth and truth is true.
Here are five true characteristics or attributes of Almighty God who was and is the author of the Holy Bible: 1. Omniscience 2. Omnipotence 2. Omnipresence 4. Truthfulness 5. Immutability HOLY is not mentioned here and there are many many more wonderful attributes of ALMIGHTY GOD. These five are much more than just food for thought. But, they are wonderful attributes think about.


I am concerned that we are our own worst enemy. One of the reasons I feel this way is because we are so easily hoodwinked and manipulated. A good example is the restroom controversy. There is only about a tenth of one percent of the population that truly believe that they are one sex born into the wrong sexual body. However, the national news of the day is locker rooms, shower rooms and restrooms, as if more than half of us don’t know if we are male or female. And, the way that these facilities are presently used equates to a failure in Civil Rights. Who started this? Are you kidding? National News?
The Civil Rights issue was because of race relations. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great American who stood for the elimination of such ignorance. And, since that time much progress has been made. We still have a serious race relation problem here in the USA, however it’s not so much black and white. It is between two races of people in America, the race of the decent and the race of the indecent. Color of a person’s skin has nothing to do with this one. This controversy is one of many that has been manufactured by Satan himself in order to hoodwink us into paying attention to one thing all the while another more important travesty is taking place in another part of society.


Adam and Eve fell into the temptation of Satan. Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam and he also ate of the fruit. Immediately their eyes were opened to the knowledge of good and evil. Immediately they both realized that they were naked, and life as we know it began. Now we must live under the curse of their sin. It may seem that sin in constantly evolving, but I say, not so. Sin is sin and an abomination to God is an abomination to God. God’s rules haven’t changed. Boys are boys and girls are girls those who wish to be something different will be left to their own ignorant stupidity. St. Paul tells us in the Holy Bible in Romans 1:28 “And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.” So perverted people are free to be perverted if they choose. The consequences of their actions are not mine to judge, but the Bible clearly states what is an abomination to God and what is not. Now people, including many of my friends will accuse me of being politically incorrect for saying this. The issue in NC is a great demonstration of ignorance and stupidity. Here we have a tiny percentage of the population wanting to make a mountain of a molehill. This group of people refuse to admit that what the bible defines as sin is sin, therefore they are given up to a debased mind. These people are committed to try and change the meaning of God’s word into something that it is not, to change it into something that they deep within their hearts they want it to be. No one in the history of time has ever changed Almighty God’s mind when it comes to what sin is.
The Federal government is once again operating outside of their lawful boundaries. If the State of North Carolina decides to create a law protecting the rights of it’s people from what they believe are deviates it is their own business. As long as the law that the state of North Carolina creates is found to be constitutionally lawful it is none of the Federal Government’s business. The U.S. Attorney General is equating this locker room issue with Civil Rights. Now if that isn’t a stretch, I’ve ever seen one! Having said all of that, I predict this issue will find it’s way to the Supreme Court and the Court will rule in favor of the U.S. Attorney General. Sad, very sad but that’s the way of the cancer that is devouring our society. If this disease left untreated it will eventually totally consume America. This is only my opinion. ~awd


I hate the fact that I am an obstinate human being and I can’t seem to stop being obstinate.  My neck is stiff and I possess an extremely hardheaded attitude.  Almighty God knew me and knew that I would be this way before He created me, however, He created me anyway. Why?  It would be supercilious of me to try and answer that question because I honestly don’t know the answer. But there are a few things that I do know.
First and foremost Almighty God IS, and evidence of this fact is everywhere and in everything that we see, hear, touch and feel.  He is the Creator of everything that we know.  Who can compare to Almighty God?  Can Buda?  Can Mohamed?  Can any of the gods of Baal?  Can any of the gods of Astarte?  Can any idol made of silver or pure gold?  No, none can compare!  Yet, I have a strong tendency to place other gods ahead of the Almighty.  Such as a job or a house or an automobile or my children or my grandchildren.  Most would agree with me that many of these things that I mentioned are precious, and they are precious in Almighty God’s sight.  The truth remains; Nothing can compare to the importance of Almighty God who created all of these things.
Second and just as important to me is that Almighty God created me, and then He drew me near to Himself and gave me the freedom to choose to seek Him or to reject Him. Even before I understood many things about Him He gave me the faith to believe in Him and to accept His gift of grace and eternal life.
Thirdly, on a long list of His blessings, He gave me the opportunity to learn about Him and he gave me an ability to discern knowledge a little bit at a time. He gave me a strong hunger to know and search for absolute truth.
He didn’t make me a perfect creature yet, but that’s coming. He is working on that!


Sir. Isaac Newton, a leader in the study of Physics. Born more than 300 years before I was born, and I was born a long time ago. Whatever you say, Isaac Newton was a brilliant man with a keen interest in truth. Many people of today consider Newton to be the owner of several laws of motion, but he’s not. He is only the man who searched physical things until he discovered a way to explain laws that have been around since the beginning of time.
Almighty God is the true owner of all these laws and more; after all He created all of them. If we are interested in truth we have the capability of searching history for more of God’s laws that directly affect us, every bit as much as gravity directly affects us. Adam and Eve first violated God’s law in the Garden of Eden and humanity has been trying to circumnavigate God’s law ever since. Sometimes they violate His’ law directly, however, most often they try and rationalize the meaning of His’ laws to make them conform to their own desires. Directly would be things like murder, or adultery, or trying to fly like a bird off of a very high place. The results of these violations are obvious; they always have a very poor ending. Today rationalization of God’s law is similar to the way the Nation of Israel violated the first three of the Ten Commandments. Israel violated them on several occasions and each time paid a high price for doing so. America is violating those very commandments today. There are others, like feeding someone who is able but unwilling to work, or the art of fraudulently robbing one person and giving the booty to another person; such as modern day welfare. One of the worst of these is calling the act of murder “a woman’s choice” as long as the one murdered is still inside her. Many Born-again American Christians are the worst when it comes to the rationalization of truth. All will pay a high price for doing so. And, we as a Nation can’t rationalize truth without paying a very high price. Truth is truth and an abomination is an abomination. A Christian’s only option is believing, trusting and obeying. Knowing that love and truth are at the center of Christianity. Almighty God is the only hope for our Nation.


After watching the national news, I have become disenchanted with humanity to the point of being embarrassed. I ask myself, how could a creature or creatures created by Almighty God behave the way that the news media portrays us as behaving?   I become farther disenchanted and depressed when the obvious truth is ignored and obvious lies of the day are trumpeted by so-called leaders and especially the news media.   The USA has become a Nation without leaders – an organization of disorganization that is nothing more than a mass of people who are on the dole never offering anything - the philosophy of the day in the USA is to take, take, and take. This includes huge number of government employees along with the majority of welfare recipients. Hopefully, this next election will be beneficial and we won’t suffer four more years of total deadlock.  If Donald Trump is elected he might be the stimulus that gets Congress off of their self-centered and lazy extremities. I believe that Trump is one of a few folks with the ability to achieve that task! He is a little egotistical and noisy, but he is smart. I believe that he cares about America as much if not more than he cares about himself.


In theory Bernie and Hillary have all the answers to all the problems in America and their answer is; Government. I agree with them as long as every citizen in America would perform perfectly and would follow all the rules to the tee; and those who were making the rules were totally perfect in every way. Then, and only then, will Bernie’s and Hillary’s theory work. Almighty God is the only totally perfect being that could govern in this perfect way. He created all things including we humans and He could have created us in a way that we would follow all of His rules in every detail every time. Then and only then would we have the perfect world that Hillary and Bernie dream about. Since Adam and Eve sinned none of us have had the ability to live in a perfect world. This theory of socialism and communism has never even come close to working. For centuries many have thought that this theory would work and today many still think that it will, but it has never worked. Look around at all the severely obese American women with children and tell me how they survive? Do you suppose that many, if not most of them, are on the dole? How many severely obese people are actually working? And, where do they get all that food? How many severely obese sales women have you seen working at Walt-Mart? The vast majority of working people in America can’t afford to get fat, much less become severely obese. In theory the dreams and admonitions of Bernie and Hillary actually working are only dreams. Realistically, Almighty God gave us hunger, only one of many incentives that cause us to be productive.

Blessing versus Luck

Luck is something used to express blessing without acknowledging Almighty God's omniscience & omnipotence.  Almighty God is in total and complete control of everything, therefore there is no such thing as blind luck.  Either we are willing to acknowledge this or we refuse to acknowledge Almighty God's sovereignty.  I'm not saying that God doesn't give us the opportunity to choose because he does.  Freedom to choose is one of His greatest gifts, and a prerequisite to true love.
I'm most thankful that freedom and liberty are not His only gifts because as wonderful as they are, I'm most thankful for His mercy and His grace.  Many times I use freedom of choice 180deg out of phase, and still I am His and His Holy Spirit lives in me.


It's not Democrats, Republicans or Independent Voters that are the problem in America. The problem is GREED. And, the GREEDIEST of all use Greed to manipulate the masses. The owners and controllers of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK are the shakers and the movers. Nothing happens without their approval or their influence. They control economies all over the world. They control governments leaders all over the world. They care only about themselves and the power to control. They don't need money they have plenty of that. What they want is to maintain power and control. They have been ripping off citizens of the United States of America for more than a hundred years. It's not that they need our money, because they don't. But, they desperately need to keep us under their thumb. They need to keep us hoodwinked. So far they are doing a fine job at that.